International bureaucracies push misguided policy on their bad days and waste money on their good days.
read more...Even some WHO bureaucrats admit their employer should be shut down.
read more...Shady goings on at the WHO, a tax harmonization update from the EU, and what the NSA tells us about the importance of financial privacy.
read more...The United Nations is not nearly as bad as other international bureaucracies such as the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development or the International Monetary Fund. But that’s because the U.N. tends to be completely ineffective. So even when the bureaucrats push for bad policy, they don’t have much ability to move the ball in the wrong direction. But […]
read more...As a taxpayer, I’m not a big fan of international bureaucracies. They consume a lot of money, pay themselves extravagant (and tax-free!) salaries, and generally promote statist policies. The Paris-based Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development is a prime example. Originally created for benign purposes such as gathering statistics, it now is a bloated bureaucracy […]
read more...The Center for Freedom and Prosperity Foundation released today a new Libertas policy brief highlighting the dangers of proposals coming out of organizations such as the United Nations and World Health Organization to self-fund through global taxes.
read more...The issue of taxing powers and direct funding has become an important issue because international organizations are challenging the contribution model and pushing for independent sources of revenue.
read more...Today marks the 247th anniversary since the British government passed the Stamp Act, a direct tax levied on all materials printed for commercial or legal use in the colonies. The tax faced a backlash from the colonies and was decried as taxation without representation. Despite how it turned out for the British, many organizations today […]