Estimating the economic effects of the wealth tax proposed by Senator Warren using a computable general equilibrium model of the U.S. economy
read more...In a normal economy a wealth tax would be a mistake. Now it would be catastrophic.
read more...Even some on the left see big downsides.
read more...It’s rare to see so much inaccuracy in so few words.
read more...We’ll take him seriously when he walks the walk.
read more...It’s a hassle for rich people, but it’s the rest of us who suffer most.
read more...Taxing savings and investment is economic suicide.
read more...Switzerland does a lot of things right. This isn’t one of them.
read more...Allister Heath, the superb economic writer from London, recently warned that governments are undermining incentives to save. And not just because of high tax rates and double taxation of savings. Allister says people are worried about outright confiscation resulting from possible wealth taxation. It is clear that individuals, when at all possible, need to accumulate more financial assets. …Tragically, it won’t […]
read more...I realize it’s wrong, but I can’t help cheering for France’s socialist president. Francois Hollande seems determined to raise every tax, expand every program, and augment every bit of red tape that afflicts the French economy. I fully expect this to end poorly, but at the risk of admitting that I’m chauvinistically concerned first and […]