Politicians aren’t needed to determine what’s a fair price.
read more...You get much better results when the size and scope of government is constrained.
read more...A comprehensive study debunks leftwing inequality myths.
read more...Gun control is not an answer to Islamist terrorism.
read more...Digging into the different approaches to state level taxation.
read more...Some states are still doing better than others on taxes.
read more...Not all comparisons are created equal.
read more...Much of my writing is focused on the real-world impact of government policy, and this is why I repeatedly look at the relative economic performance of big government jurisdictions and small government jurisdictions. But I don’t just highlight differences between nations. Yes, it’s educational to look at North Korea vs. South Korea or Chile vs. Venezuela vs. Argentina, […]
read more...When people in other nations ask me for evidence in favor of low taxes, I often will ask them to compare the economic performance of a high-tax nation like France with the performance of a nation such as Switzerland with less onerous taxes. If I’m asked by Americans, I generally suggest that they compare different states. For instance, […]
read more...One of the great things about federalism, above and beyond the fact that it both constrains the power of governments and is faithful to the Constitution, is that is turns every state into an experiment. We can learn what works best (though the President seems incapable of learning the right lesson). We know, for instance, […]