The Center for Freedom and Prosperity is pleased to report that the Surface Transportation Bill as passed by Congress today did not include the Levin anti-tax haven amendment originally slipped into the Senate version by a voice vote. The amendment would have driven investment out of the US and cost American jobs. Two weeks ago the House defeated a non-binding motion to instruct the conferees to agree to the amendment, and it was ultimately dropped from the bill.
read more...I’m not a big fan of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. This Paris-based international bureaucracy doesn’t get as much attention as the United Nations or International Monetary Fund, but it’s probably does more damage to freedom and prosperity if measured on a per-dollar-spent basis. For instance: The OECD, in an effort to promote […]
read more...While the two chambers of Congress work to reconcile the differences between their respective transportation bills, CF&P continues to monitor an unrelated tax provision known as the “Stop Tax Haven Abuse Act” that was slipped into the Senate version by Sen. Carl Levin, a frequent source of anti-tax haven demagoguery. The Act would grant the […]
read more...Back in April, responding to an article written by Ann Hollingshead for the Task Force on Financial Integrity and Economic Development, I wrote a long post defending so-called tax havens. I went through the trouble of a point-by-point response because her article was quite reasonable and focused on some key moral and philosophical issues (rather […]
read more...The Levin-Conrad-Whitehouse amendment inserted provisions supposedly to “Stop Tax Haven Abuse,” but which would in reality further undermine global capital flows and the world economy.
read more...The Senate included a Levin-Conrad-Whitehouse amendment in the Surface Transportation Reauthorization Bill (S. 1813) that expands onerous powers in the Patriot Act in order to give the Treasury Department unchecked powers to extend US tax law beyond American borders.
read more...I’m not a big fan of Mitt Romney. I hammered him the day before Christmas for being open to a value-added tax, and criticized him in previous posts for his less-than-stellar record on healthcare, his weakness on Social Security reform, his anemic list of proposed budget savings, and his reprehensible support for ethanol subsidies. But I also believe […]
read more...I’m not a fan of international bureaucracies. I’ve criticized the United Nations for wanting global taxes. I’ve condemned the International Monetary Fund for promoting bigger government. I’ve even excoriated the largely unknown Basel Committee on Banking Supervision for misguided regulations that contributed to the financial crisis. But the worse international bureaucracy, at least when measured […]
read more...Actually, the answer is all of the above. He pontificates about debt, but he voted for the fake stimulus and budget-busting Obamacare legislation. He’s a preening self-styled deficit hawk, but the nation’s four largest deficits have occurred since he became Chairman of the Senate Budget Committee. As Chairman of the Budget Committee, with a bloated […]
read more...Senator Carl Levin is revitalizing his crusade against so-called tax havens. In a press release yesterday, he announced the reintroduction of his Stop Tax Haven Abuse Act, while touting the support of labor lobby groups and advocates of big government. As the Center for Freedom and Prosperity noted in a press release yesterday, the legislation […]