Considering that every economic theory agrees that living standards and worker compensation are closely correlated with the amount of capital in an economy (this picture is a compelling illustration of the relationship), one would think that politicians – particularly those who say they want to improve wages – would be very anxious not to create […]
read more...Tax Justice Network promoting an agenda driven study using shoddy assumptions.
read more...Thanks largely to the Laffer Curve, there are some impressive examples of failed tax increases in countries such as the United States, France, and the United Kingdom. But if there was a prize for the people who most vociferously resist turning over more of their income to government, the Italians would be the odds-on favorite […]
read more...CF&P’s Brian Garst, in an editorial for the Daily Caller yesterday, observes a disturbing trend in the rhetoric of this year’s Presidential campaign. An unholy alliance of political opportunists and long-time opponents of tax competition has formed and is playing on populist economic fears to advance an agenda that threatens to curtail basic economic liberties. […]
read more...This article appeared in The Daily Caller.
read more...The Center for Freedom and Prosperity is pleased to report that the Surface Transportation Bill as passed by Congress today did not include the Levin anti-tax haven amendment originally slipped into the Senate version by a voice vote. The amendment would have driven investment out of the US and cost American jobs. Two weeks ago the House defeated a non-binding motion to instruct the conferees to agree to the amendment, and it was ultimately dropped from the bill.
read more...I’m not a big fan of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. This Paris-based international bureaucracy doesn’t get as much attention as the United Nations or International Monetary Fund, but it’s probably does more damage to freedom and prosperity if measured on a per-dollar-spent basis. For instance: The OECD, in an effort to promote […]
read more...These soirees are more than just money-wasting junkets.
read more...The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), through its Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes, claims that it is working to “ensure that all jurisdictions adhere to the same high standard of international cooperation in tax matters.” CF&P has long pointed out that the OECD’s real objective is to […]
read more...While the two chambers of Congress work to reconcile the differences between their respective transportation bills, CF&P continues to monitor an unrelated tax provision known as the “Stop Tax Haven Abuse Act” that was slipped into the Senate version by Sen. Carl Levin, a frequent source of anti-tax haven demagoguery. The Act would grant the […]