Dan Hannan provides an important history lesson.
read more...Europe’s large welfare states are dragging the continent down.
read more...Hong Kong and Cuba were once economically very similar; now they are world’s apart. The explanation why is simple.
read more...Scholars have wrangled with the questions of social capital for centuries. Can we make sense of it?
read more...Malaise is in the future.
read more...Social attitudes play a large role in determining a nation’s long-run prosperity. But how easily can they be changed?
read more...Will this be the “spread the wealth around” of the 2016 campaign?
read more...Decades of large government are taking their toll on Italy. Past generations mortgaged the future to support unsustainable policies, and now the bills are coming due.
read more...I believe that protecting the environment is both a good thing and a legitimate function of government. But I’m rational. So while I want limits on pollution, such policies should be determined by cost-benefit analysis. Banning automobiles doubtlessly would reduce pollution, for instance, but the economic cost would be catastrophic. On the other hand, it’s good to […]
read more...It’s difficult to promote good economic policy when some policy makers have a deeply flawed grasp of history. This is why I’ve tried to educate people, for instance, that government intervention bears the blame for the 2008 financial crisis, not capitalism or deregulation. Going back in time, I’ve also explained the truth about “sweatshops” and “robber barons.” […]