Is it worse than Greece?
read more...Chile’s left-wing government seeks to undermine the successful free-market Chilean Model.
read more...Data shows the welfare state increases inequality.
read more...First she wanted to do nothing, now she wants class-warfare tax hikes.
read more...Finding the good and the bad in AEI’s plan.
read more...Social Security spending is climbing too fast and consuming an ever-larger share of economic output.
read more...Demographic changes and ill-designed programs will combine to dramatically expand the size of the public sector over the next few decades.
read more...International evidence provides the case for personal retirement accounts.
read more...It’s embarrassing that China is moving in the right direction while the U.S. is not.
read more...I confess that I get a bit of perverse pleasure when a left-leaning media outlet screws up and inadvertently shares information that helps the cause of limited government. A New York Times columnist, for instance, pushed for a tax-hiking fiscal agreement back in 2011 based on a chart showing that the only successful budget deal was the one […]