Lessons from the experience of post-communist nations in Eastern Europe
read more...What might four or eight years of Hillary do to these scores?
read more...Challenges to personal liberty.
read more...The U.S. is becoming a place where clear and neutral rules are being replaced by arbitrary and capricious government power.
read more...America’s free-fall on the list of freest economies.
read more...Should the rich pay higher traffic fines?
read more...Next President Obama wants to “go it alone” on tax hikes.
read more...If you look at measures (such as the Fraser Institute’s Economic Freedom of the World index) of what makes a nation competitive and prosperous, you’ll find some obvious variables such as fiscal policy, trade openness, regulatory burden, and monetary policy. But in addition to those policy levers, you’ll find that it’s equally important that a nation does a good job […]
read more...I’ve written several times about a proposed IRS regulation that would force American banks to put foreign law above U.S. law. I’ve repeatedly warned that the scheme, which would force financial institutions to report the deposit interest they pay to foreigners, is bad economic policy, bad regulatory policy, and bad banking policy. My arguments have […]
read more...Why impose a regulatory burden on a weakened banking sector when it has nothing to do with enforcing American tax law?