There are also indirect ways for government to control the allocation of resources.
read more...The system of government doesn’t determine which nations are prosperous.
read more...Some recent polling data is very discouraging.
read more...Are they too clueless to vote?
read more...More proof that language matter.
read more...The Court asks as a pseudo-legislature.
read more...Laws should be few, comprehensible, and narrowly focused on protecting life, liberty, and property.
read more...Social attitudes play a large role in determining a nation’s long-run prosperity. But how easily can they be changed?
read more...Senator Tom Coburn’s 2014 Wastebook is out with a new, grisly collection of boondoggles and pork-barrel spending.
read more...Why is President Obama so fixated on a class-warfare agenda of higher taxes on the rich and government dependency for the poor? Is it because a tax-the-rich agenda is good politics, as determined by clever pollsters who have tapped into the collective mind of American voters (and as demonstrated by this cartoon)? Or is the President ideologically committed to […]