What healthcare fights are really about.
read more...Capitalism is amazing.
read more...This article appeared on Townhall.com.
read more...This article originally appeared on The Daily Caller.
read more...Very little evidence Puerto Rico is interested in making structural reforms.
read more...This article appeared on The Blaze.
read more...I’ve written a couple of serious posts about the death panels at the VA’s government-run health facilities. I think it’s particularly important to understand that the problem has nothing to do with funding levels. Instead, it’s about the chronic inefficiency of government. But sometimes mockery is more effective than analysis, and this Remy video, produced by Reason […]
read more...Price controls are a spectacularly foolish idea, and that’s true whether they’re imposed by thugs such as Hugo Chavez in Venezuela or bureaucrats at the Department of Health and Human Services. That’s why one of the 20th Century’s economic heroes is Ludwig Erhard, who unleashed the post-war German miracle by abolishing the price controls imposed […]
read more...Florida Senator Bill Nelson is seizing on the BP oil spill as an excuse to pass federal “price gouging” legislation. It’s certainly nothing new to see anti-market politicians stirring up populist rage with these so-called “price gouging” laws. Many states already have them on the books, and politicians are quick to warn greedy capitalists against […]