A nation is far more likely to be successful if people have the right attitudes.
read more...British taxpayers are subsidizing goodies to enable unhealthy lifestyles.
read more...A new study documents the failure of major redistribution programs to reduce poverty.
read more...A new British member of the Moocher Hall of Fame has emerged.
read more...Did the Pope really endorse statism?
read more...We know the welfare state is good news for people inside government. Lots of bureaucrats are required, after all, to oversee a plethora of redistribution programs. Walter Williams refers to these paper pushers as poverty pimps, and there’s even a ranking showing which states have the greatest number of these folks who profit by creating dependency. But […]
read more...I haven’t spent much time writing about Thomas Piketty’s inequality book for the simple reason that my goal is economic liberty, not equality. That being said, I think that Piketty is fundamentally misguided even if the goal is helping the poor. Simply stated, long-run growth is the best way of reducing poverty and boosting living standards. […]
read more...I’m frequently baffled at the stupidity of Republicans. When they took control of Congress back in 1994, for instance, they had unrestricted ability to get rid of the bureaucrats that generated bad economic analysis at both the Joint Committee on Taxation and the Congressional Budget Office. Yet notwithstanding more than a decade of congressional power, GOPers did almost nothing to neutralize the bureaucrats who […]
read more...The political left obviously hopes that it can score political points by pitching some Americans against others with a campaign based on income inequality and class warfare taxation. Is there any merit to this approach? Are the less fortunate suffering because some are succeeding? And would more government alleviate this problem, to the extent it actually […]
read more...On several occasions, I’ve observed that the poverty rate in America was steadily falling, but that progress came to a halt in the mid-1960s when the government declared a War on Poverty. And I almost always included a chart showing the annual poverty rate over several decades. Moreover, I posted graphs showing how government programs trap people in dependency because of very high implicit […]