Sanders isn’t a socialist, but unlike Hillary he is proud of his statism.
read more...If the alternative if more bad laws that expand the burden of government, then it’s better to do nothing.
read more...America could – and should – be doing much better.
read more...If Obama wants to shutdown the government by vetoing spending bills that comply with the sequester, then Republicans should let him.
read more...The 2016 election turned out to be 1994 and 2010 put together. What does it mean?
read more...It’s time to extend the tradition of sharing politics-related Halloween humor on October 31.
read more...I think libertarianism is the philosophy that best reflects human decency, but I sometimes wonder why libertarians aren’t more persuasive and why there aren’t any libertarian societies. However, maybe there’s a light at the end of the tunnel. I’ve been asked by several readers to comment on the debate about whether America is enjoying a libertarian phase, particularly among […]
read more...I periodically share polling data. This is because public opinion research (if done honestly) provides insights on the degree to which people are either well informed, uninformed, or misinformed. And that kind of information is useful for policy wonks like me since it shows where we need to re-double our efforts to educate the American people. And some […]
read more...The internal revenue service has allowed itself to become a tool of the White House. To be more specific, bureaucrats at the tax-collection agency sought to undermine a free and fair political process by stifling political speech. And now the IRS is lying about its activities and trying to cover its tracks. This should be deeply horrifying to all […]
read more...When I wrote recently that the IRS was corrupt, venal, and despicable, I didn’t realize that I was bending over backwards to be overly nice. Every new revelation in the scandal shows that the agency is beyond salvage. Writing for Real Clear Markets, Diana Furchtgott-Roth of the Manhattan Institute is appropriately skeptical of the IRS. Coincidentally, Lerner’s computer crashed […]