Kudos to the Concerned Women for America, not only for this clever video, but also for putting the focus on the burden of government spending rather than the symptom of too much red ink.
read more...My Cato colleague, Mark Calabria, recently explained how the minimum wage destroys jobs, and I’ve written on several occasions why government-mandated wages can create unemployment by making it unprofitable to hire people with low work skills and/or poor work histories. And I’ve attacked Republicans for going along with these job-killing policies, and also pointed out […]
read more...Here’s a classic video from Reason TV mocking our intimate friends at the TSA. Enjoy…and share.
read more...I posted a joke about this last year, but this video makes the point much more effectively. When you tax and redistribute income or grades, you penalize those who achieve and work hard. Kudos to the college kids who put this together. The volume sometimes is inadequate, but the overall message comes through loud and […]
read more...Economists often do a crummy job of teaching people about the impact of fiscal policy on the labor force, largely because we put people to sleep with boring discussions about “labor supply” decisions (my blog post from last year perhaps being an example of this tendency). From now on, I will try to remember to […]
read more...Maybe Obama’s not so bad on Second Amendment issues. His Administration has contracted with the folks at Ruger to produce a special pistol in honor of the government workforce. This new gun will be called “The Bureaucracy Special.” The only downside is that it doesn’t work and you can’t fire it.
read more...The Department of Housing and Urban Development is trying hard to win the “Bureaucracy of the Year Award,” and they have a new motto. But I think the bureaucrats at HUD are cheating. I’m almost sure I saw one of these signs during my last visit to the DMV, though I confess I started hallucinating […]
read more...I’m not sure if this is an energy policy joke or a monetary policy joke, but it’s still worth sharing ——————————————————————————————————- The next time you decide to go on a trip or vacation, consider getting a bunch of these Gas Coupons. I didn’t realize it, but these coupons are good for one gallon of gas […]
read more...It’s a long time until Christmas, but this clever t-shirt I saw linked on Instapundit is going to be near the top of my list. And unlike the Ben Bernanke toilet paper, this gift will be visible to everyone you see, not just people who visit your bathroom. On the other hand, if you like […]
read more...A buddy from Monaco was at a different conference in the same hotel in Switzerland, and he sent me this great humor from David Letterman. Here are the top 10 ways to tell if you are a bureaucrat. 10.) You take a week off to protest in Wisconsin and your office runs better. 9.) On […]