This is the time of year when it’s good to post some holiday-themed political humor. In prior years, I’ve shared IRS Christmas gifts and presents from Ben Bernanke. But now we have a video. And if you like that video, you’ll probably want to watch Santa complain about intrusive government.
read more...I’ve written a couple of serious posts about the European fiscal crisis, including an explanation of how the problem could be solved and one about the importance of gun ownership in case the pessimists are right and civil society collapses. But something funny would make this day better and this Hitler parody is the best […]
read more...Even though leftist economists such as Paul Krugman and Larry Summers have admitted that unemployment insurance benefits are a recipe for more joblessness, the White House is arguing that Congress should enact legislation to further subsidize unemployment. It’s understandable that the Obama Administration is concerned about the issue. These four charts show that the labor […]
read more...More than two years ago, I explained in a TV interview that the looters and moochers should be careful that they don’t kill the geese that lay the golden eggs. After all, parasites need a healthy host. The collapse of Europe’s welfare states should be a wake-up call for these people, but that hasn’t stopped […]
read more...There’s a rather simple solution to Europe’s fiscal crisis, but politicians will never do the right thing unless every other option is exhausted. That’s why American taxpayers should not be involved in any sort of European bailout, either directly or indirectly. This cartoon captures my sentiment. At the risk of being picky, however, I would […]
read more...I’ve done a video on excessive compensation for bureaucrats and I’ve written many times about wasteful spending, but here’s a cartoon that manages to effectively combine both concepts. If your eyes are getting old like mine, you may need to click on the image to read everything. This cartoon is good, but here’s another that […]
read more...This is probably my favorite political cartoon, and this one is the most-viewed post in the history of this blog, but here’s one probably should be near the top because it so perfectly captures the mindset of the political class. Though if you want to teach economics, here are good cartoons about incentives, Keynesian economics, […]
read more...In what will probably become an annual tradition, here is the Halloween tax video I posted last year. The last 30 seconds of the three-minute video actually contain some very good economics, roughly akin to this classic cartoon. Yes, incentives matter. And since it is Halloween, these two parodies of The Candyman song (here and […]
read more...…Well, I’m not sure what it means. But it sure doesn’t make sense when you look at the big picture. A credit card company wouldn’t increase a deadbeat’s credit limit, so why is it a sign of fiscal prudence to give Uncle Sam more borrowing authority? That being said, I never thought it was realistic […]
read more...In the spirit of the budget battle, readers have to eat their peas (i.e., endure my analysis) before getting to the dessert menu of jokes from the late-night comics. The big news today is that Speaker Boehner had to cancel a vote on his “Budget Control Act” last night. But other than the political-drama angle, […]