By the time you read this post, it’s possible that the buffoons in Washington will have announced a deal on the fiscal cliff. Or perhaps we’ll have another month or more of fake drama. Regardless of when the deal is announced, I fear the final result will be some sort of victory for Obama, with […]
read more...Washington frustrates me. The entire town is based on legalized corruption as an unworthy elite figure out new ways of accumulating unearned wealth by skimming money from the nation’s producers. But one thing that especially irks me is the way people focus on the trees and forget about the forest. Politicians and journalists are now […]
read more...Obama has repeated once again that he will throw the nation off the fiscal cliff if Republicans don’t capitulate to his demands for class-warfare tax hikes. This is a serious topic worthy of weighty analysis, but I don’t really have anything to add to what I’ve written before – particularly with regard to the threat […]
read more...I’ve run across very few good cartoons about Keynesian economics. If my aging memory is correct, I’ve only posted two of them. But at least they’re both very good. We have one involving Obama, sharks, and a lifeboat, and another one involving an overburdened jockey. Now we have a third cartoon to add to the […]
read more...I’ve almost exhausted my interest in California’s suicidal fiscal policy. How many times, after all, can you write about politicians over-taxing and over-spending to the point of economic ruin? But everyone has a cross to bear in life, and (if you allow me to mix my metaphors) griping about bloated government is my Sisyphean task. […]
read more...I wrote about Julia the Moocher earlier this month, linking the Obama campaign’s make-believe leech with a real-world Greek woman who thought the government should take care of her. I also shared an amusing parody of Julia by Iowahawk (the creator of the famous Pelosi car commercial). Now Michael Ramirez has weighed in, producing a […]
read more...Last year, I did a popular post on what happens if you redistribute grades in a classroom. Someone has turned this idea into a video, starring some well-known political figures. And if you want to see a real-world example of how students react to this idea, here’s another good video. By the way, I can’t […]
read more...I posted the other day about the federal government giving $10 million of our tax dollars to a private company for developing an “affordable” light bulb that costs $50. Now, thanks to the pen of Alexander Hoffman (creator of this gem), we have an excellent cartoon to commemorate this achievement. Since we’re on this topic, […]
read more...People often ask why I put so much political humor on this site. The easy answer is that I like a good joke. But I also find that some cartoons and jokes do a very good job of helping people understand economics. I’ve always liked this cartoon, for instance, because it cleverly illustrates the impact […]
read more...Overseas Americans are not exactly happy that federal law is making their lives so miserable, so I’m not surprised that they seem to be the ones who put together this great parody. =========================================================== U.S. Federal agents arrested Santa Claus earlier today at the North Pole. The United States Department of Fish and Wildlife has arrested […]