You may be wondering about Krugman’s sudden embrace of deficit reduction.
read more...He says nothing of substance on the important issue.
read more...This doesn’t happen often!
read more...Krugman is attacking a straw man.
read more...Krugman may be a hypocrite, but that doesn’t mean he’s wrong in this case.
read more...There must be a blue moon in the forecast.
read more...The latest ramblings of a hack.
read more...The more money they get from government, the more the left complains.
read more...There he goes again.
read more...The great Krugtron the Invincible argues the minimum wage can be increased without much consequence. He says there’s “hardly any cost to raising it,” and that “we can raise these wages without losing lots of jobs.” Notice the weasel language. We can raise it without losing “lots” of jobs, but regardless of what he subjectively […]