The so-called Super Committee has been tasked with finding $1.5 trillion in deficit reduction over the next ten years. Though with the President’s recent call for another half-trillion in stimulus that he claims would be payed for, they would need to find $2 trillion. In light of the committee’s upcoming work, I penned a letter […]
read more...Being the world’s self-appointed defender of so-called tax havens has led to some rather bizarre episodes. The bureaucrats at the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development threatened to have me thrown in a Mexican jail for the horrible crime of standing in the public lobby of a hotel and giving advice to low-tax jurisdictions. On […]
read more...This past week Standard and Poor’s lowered their credit rating for the U.S. for the first time ever amidst debt ceiling debates over the growing federal deficit. Our leaders have nearly all acknowledged that to get the credit rating back to AAA there will need to be cutbacks in the nation’s debt. The best way […]
read more...In a remarkable development, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development asserted at the Global Tax Forum that it has the power to regulate and restrain tax avoidance and other forms of legal tax planning. The Multilateral Convention on Mutual Administrative Assistance in Tax Matters, which is now the OECD’s preferred vehicle for thwarting tax competition, openly references “combat tax avoidance” as a reason for the new pact.
read more...I’ve been battling the Organization for Economic Cooperation for years, ever since the Paris-based bureaucracy unveiled its “harmful tax competition” project in the late 1990s. Controlled by Europe’s high-tax welfare states, the OECD wants to prop up the fiscal systems of nations such as Greece and France by hindering the flow of jobs and capital […]
read more...The Center for Freedom and Prosperity, in Bermuda for the Global Tax Forum, issued a warning today that the Paris-based Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development is pushing a scheme that effectively would result in the creation of something akin to a World Tax Organization designed to prop up European welfare states and persecute low-tax jurisdictions.
read more...I’m back in Bermuda, but not for sun and fun. Instead, I’m like the little Dutch boy with his finger in the dike as part of my ongoing effort to thwart high-tax nations in their attacks against tax competition and tax havens at the “Global Tax Forum” of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. […]
read more...I’ve remarked before about how I get especially upset when well-to-do people figure out ways of ripping off taxpayers. Redistribution from rich to poor is not a good idea, but it is far more offensive when the coercive power of government is used to transfer money from ordinary people to the elite. A good (perhaps […]
read more...One of the biggest threats against global prosperity is the anti-tax competition project of a Paris-based international bureaucracy known as the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. The OECD, acting at the behest of the European welfare states that dominate its membership, wants the power to tell nations (including the United States!) what is acceptable […]
read more...Regular readers know that I’m a big fan of tax competition because politicians are less likely to misbehave if the potential victims of plunder have the ability to escape across borders. Here is an excerpt from a superb article by Allister Heath, one of the U.K.’s best writers on economic and business issues. In a […]