After nearly five years in office, what’s President Obama’s most significant accomplishment? This is a serious question, so no jokes about the Nobel Prize he received for not being Bush. And no partisan GOP answers about the 2010 election, either. Put yourself in the position of a future historian and think about what you would […]
read more...Tim Carney of the Washington Examiner is a must-read columnist and expert on the pervasive corruption in Washington. He’s also an insightful commentator on why freedom and morality go hand in hand, which suggests libertarians and conservatives should be strong allies. But today, in honor of the holidays, let’s address a lighter topic. Tim has […]
read more...While I’m critical of the overall design and impact of President Obama’s economic policy, I don’t have a partisan agenda and I’m willing to give the White House credit when it’s warranted. I’ve pointed out, for instance, that Obama has increased spending at a slower rate than his GOP predecessor. That may be damning with […]
read more...President Obama has presided over a terrible jobs market. Unemployment is more than two-percentage points higher today than the White House claimed it would be if the so-called stimulus was enacted. Even more worrisome, the employment-population ratio seems to have permanently fallen, which is bad news for economic performance since our output is a function […]
read more...I’ve periodically used “Schadenfreude” to describe my feelings about certain issues. Maybe this makes me a bad person, but I’ve openly admitted to a perverse sense of happiness at the misfortune of others when, for instance, France’s class-warfare tax policy backfired because successful taxpayers emigrated. And I’ve expressed similar amusement when writing about Europe’s fiscal […]
read more...When I wrote a few days ago about the “Continuing Obamacare Disaster,” I didn’t realize I was understating the problems with the President’s boondoggle scheme. Now that the law’s been passed and implemented, the American people are finally finding out what’s in it (per Nancy Pelosi) and they’re not happy. Indeed, they’re so unhappy that […]
read more...You know things are going poorly for the Obama White House when even the New York Times is writing about the “third world experience” of Obamacare. Heck, it’s almost gotten to the point where I feel sorry for the President. But I guess I must be a mean-spirited anti-government ideologue, because I can’t stop myself […]
read more...The Department of Labor has issued its monthly employment report and the item that will attract the most attention is that the unemployment rate marginally increased to 7.3 percent. That number is worthy of some attention, but I think it distracts attention from a far more important set of data. What we should be more […]
read more...It’s been a touch month for President Obama. His beloved healthcare scheme is a slow-motion train wreck and he wasn’t able to trick Republicans into a tax hike as part of budget fights. So let’s pile on with some humor. We’ll start with some NSA-related material. We’ve already shared some amusing cartoons, so now it’s […]
read more...It seems there’s a cottage industry of people in America devoted to making parody videos about one of the world’s most evil statists. And some of them make very strong points about public policy. Here’s Hitler learning about Europe being downgraded. And here’s the Fuehrer finding out that Scott Walker prevailed in his fight against […]