If the alternative if more bad laws that expand the burden of government, then it’s better to do nothing.
read more...America could – and should – be doing much better.
read more...Soak the rich? They’re already drenched.
read more...Key questions for the new year.
read more...It’s not all doom and gloom. We’ve seen some modest successes for advocates of limited government.
read more...Two recent stories update the IRS abuse saga.
read more...The 2016 election turned out to be 1994 and 2010 put together. What does it mean?
read more...Even though we just suffered through a housing bubble/collapse thanks to misguided government intervention, Obama’s people are pursuing the same policies today.
read more...I’m not a big fan of Obamanomics. I don’t like the President’s class-warfare mentality on taxes. I don’t like his support for Keynesian spending policy. And I don’t like his costly expansions of government such as Obamacare. Indeed, I even like mocking his reflexive statism. That being said, I fully agree (albeit with some important caveats) with his observation that the United States […]
read more...I shared a chart back in February that shows how long it takes to double GDP based on different growth rates. For instance, if the economy grows only 1 percent per year, it takes 70 years before the economy doubles. Think Italy or some other decrepit European welfare state. But if the economy grows 4 percent annually, […]