Some really neat data.
read more...Is this the most inaccurate claim ever?
read more...There are different degrees of statism
read more...Even they don’t want to give the government even more of their own money.
read more...Norway would be in even better shape if the fiscal burden of government wasn’t so onerous.
read more...Hillary…the fiscal conservative?
read more...They’re shifting back toward free markets.
read more...While most of my disdain is focused on the clowns in Washington, I enjoy poking fun at the policies adopted by the various nitwits and thugs that can be found in other governments. That’s why I’ve mocked the British government-run healthcare system for letting a woman die when officials failed to notice a six-inch toilet […]
read more...I’ve written several times about the foolish War on Drugs, which has been about as misguided and ineffective as the government’s War on Poverty. So when I saw a news report about a couple of Swedes getting busted for smuggling 200-plus kilos of contraband into Norway, and then another story about a Russian getting caught […]