A comprehensive study debunks leftwing inequality myths.
read more...Some states are still doing better than others on taxes.
read more...Some politicians are so short-sighted and greedy that they raise the tax burden by so much that revenues actually fall.
read more...More evidence that taxpayers migrate from high-tax states to low-tax states.
read more...Bastiat accurately observed the government scam.
read more...I’ll be first in line if there’s a contest over who thinks most strongly thatpoliticians are corrupt, or whether they can waste money in creative ways. But if somebody asserts that politicians are stupid, I’m going to argue on the other side. This isn’t because I’m a fan of elected officials. Far from it. However, having […]
read more...I recently speculated whether Detroit’s fiscal problems should be a warning sign for the crowd in Washington. The answer, of course, is yes, though it’s not a perfect analogy. The federal government is in deep trouble because of unsustainable entitlement programs while Detroit got in trouble because of a combination of too much compensation for […]
read more...I’ve reported some horror stories about bureaucrats ripping off taxpayers with lavish compensation packages, including: The chief bureaucrat of a low-income California city getting almost $800,000 per year. Cops in Oakland getting average compensation of $188,000. A Philadelphia bureaucrat, after working only 2-1/2 years, nailing down a guaranteed pension of $50,000 per year. A New […]
read more...I ran across two interesting lists showing how politicians at the state and local level are often just as bad as the ones in Washington, DC. First, Forbes has an article identifying the 10 states with the highest income tax rates. The top rate is a big deterrent to entrepreneurs and investors, but it’s also […]
read more...The Wall Street Journal opines about the latest bone-headed move by New York politicians to drive away productive activity. Connecticut is not exactly a low-tax jurisdiction, but sometimes being less worse is all that’s necessary to win a tax competition battle. Connecticut Governor Jodi Rell, a Republican who usually doesn’t mind higher taxes…has nonetheless declared […]