All it takes is a modest amount of future spending restraint.
read more...Evaluating a “Fiscal FactChecker” from the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget
read more...What “austerity?”
read more...The Greece of the Caribbean.
read more...Denmark may have a big welfare state and a punitive tax system, but it is very pro-market in other policy areas.
read more...More proof that a well designed spending cap can successfully constrain spend-happy politicians.
read more...Republicans should use the Clinton budget against Democrats.
read more...We need a spending cap as constraint on the destructive behavior of politicians.
read more...It’s not time to break out the champagne, but here’s more evidence of modest fiscal successes in recent years.
read more...Which nation is richer, Belarus or Luxembourg? If you look at total economic output, you might be tempted to say Belarus. The GDP of Belarus, after all, is almost $72 billion while Luxembourg’s GDP is less than $60 billion. But that would be a preposterous answer since there are about 9.5 million people in Belarus compared […]