Elizabeth Warren just said something absurd about corporate taxes.
read more...A troubling inclusion in otherwise good tax plans.
read more...If you’ve been following the presidential campaign, you’ll be aware that there’s a controversy over something called “carried interest.”
read more...Why do some good lawmakers want to give the other side a value-added tax?
read more...Sometimes things that are simple on paper are not so simple in reality.
read more...I’m happy that BEPS is finally getting some hostile attention, but I wonder why it took so long.
read more...There’s reason to fear that well-meaning proponents of a carbon tax are unwittingly delivering a new source of revenue to the political class in Washington.
read more...It’s unclear whether Trump actually wants the federal government to have more money.
read more...The beauty of federalism is that states are free to make their own decisions so long as they’re playing with their own money.
read more...First she wanted to do nothing, now she wants class-warfare tax hikes.