I wish there was a magic wand that somebody could wave and all of us would have more money. Or maybe Santa Claus could play that role, or some version of the Tooth Fairy. And if that magic person only had limited powers, I would want more money specifically for those with modest incomes. Unfortunately, we […]
read more...Obamacare may not be good news for taxpayers or consumers, but let’s look at the bright side. At least the law has generated some superb political humor, including funny videos. *The head of the National Socialist Workers Party finds out he can’t keep his health plan. *A creepy version of Uncle Sam wants to know about your sex life. *Young people discover that they’re […]
read more...There’s an old joke that a quandary exists when your mother-in-law drives off a cliff in your new Porsche. Are you more happy about losing her or more unhappy about losing your sports car? I’m not clever enough to come up with humorous quandaries, but I have shared policy quandaries. I’ve asked, for instance, whether […]
read more...The President’s main “accomplishment” has been such a disaster that I wonder whether it’s time to feel sorry for Obama. Today, we’re going to look at the opinions of two experts, both of whom expect further bad news for Obamacare. Here’s some of what Michael Tanner, my Cato colleague, wrote for the New York Post. …“the State of ObamaCare” […]
read more...The title of today’s column may not make much sense if you’ve never watchedThe Producers, a 1960s Mel Brooks comedy featuring Gene Wilder and Zero Mostel, but you’ll soon see the connection. That’s because we’re going to laugh at Obamacare, otherwise known as the gift that keeps on giving, and Hitler is part of our […]
read more...I hate to dredge up bad memories so early in a new year, but we need to remind ourselves of the awful TARP bailout of 2008. Our financial system had gone out of whack because of bad monetary policy from the Federal Reserve and unsustainable housing subsidies from Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. Some financial institutions gambled on […]
read more...Not counting humor-oriented pieces such as this and this, it’s been nearly a month since I’ve written about Obamacare. To make up for this oversight, today we’re going to look at a way out of the Obamacare mess. But the goal isn’t simply to repeal the President’s bad policy. That merely gets us back to where we were in 2009. […]
read more...Tim Carney of the Washington Examiner is a must-read columnist and expert on the pervasive corruption in Washington. He’s also an insightful commentator on why freedom and morality go hand in hand, which suggests libertarians and conservatives should be strong allies. But today, in honor of the holidays, let’s address a lighter topic. Tim has […]
read more...I have great sympathy for almost all segments of the population that have been disadvantaged by Obamacare. Among the victims are many relatively powerless people, including children, low-income workers, and retirees. It’s equally tragic that millions of families – notwithstanding the President’s oft-repeated promise – already have lost their insurance plans, and it’s a crisis […]
read more...The Center for Freedom and Prosperity supports Senator Marco Rubio’s (R-FL) recently introduced legislation (S. 1726) to eliminate an Obamacare provision that puts taxpayers on the hook for bailing out health insurance companies that lose money in Obamacare exchanges.