Greece has a path back to prosperity. They won’t find it in bigger government, though.
read more...When it comes to bizarre government policy, Greece truly is special.
read more...Keynes and his acolytes are doing more damage to Greece than even Marxists.
read more...There is no level of government immune from stupidity.
read more...The EU should stop throwing good money after bad.
read more...I’m a pessimist about public policy for two simple reasons: 1) Seeking power and votes, elected officials generally can’t resist making short-sighted and politically motivated choices that expand the burden of government. 2) Voters are susceptible to bribery, particularly over time as social capital(the work ethic, spirit of self reliance, etc) erodes and the entitlement mentality takes […]
read more...We’re going to touch on two topics today. I realize that not that many readers care about Greek economic policy, but sometimes other nations can teach us very important lessons. For better orworse. And in the case of Greece, the lesson is that government intervention and bureaucracy is an enemy of entrepreneurship. Probably the most amazing – […]
read more...As much as I condemn American politicians for bad policy, things could be worse. We could be Greek citizens, which would be very depressing. Indeed, you’ll understand why I put Obamaland in the title after you read today’s column. Simply stated, Greece is a cesspool of statism. The people seem to be wonderful (at least outside […]
read more...couple of years ago, I shared a chart that powerfully demonstrated why Greece was in fiscal crisis. The chart, which showed the explosive growth of the government bureaucracy, also provided some indication of why reform would be so difficult. Once a majority of a country’s voting-age population is riding in the wagon of government dependency, […]
read more...I’m in Europe as part of a six-nation speaking tour, participating in the Free Market Road Show. My first speech was yesterday in Greece, which is infamous for a government that is insanely wasteful, even to the point of subsidizing pedophiles and requiring stool samples from folks applying to set up online companies. But I […]