Health agencies haven’t been starved of resources.
read more...Time to beat that dead horse one more time.
read more...The current crisis teaches us that excessive regulation and bureaucratic sloth can have deadly consequences. Here’s John Stossel’s video with another lesson, explaining that we need more capitalism rather than more government. This seems like a no-brainer, especially given the wretched economic performance of countries where the government owns or controls the means of production. But not everyone agrees. The appropriately named Paris Marx […]
read more...More anti-libertarian nonsense.
read more...Red tape has hindered the development and deployment of testing in the United States
read more...More often isn’t better when it comes to government.
read more...Insiders use government as a racket to enrich their lifestyles.
read more...The fundamental problem is that teacher unions are in bed with politicians.
read more...Another tax backfires on central planners.
read more...The federal government doesn’t need to be in charge of airport security.