Botswana is one of the most pro-market nations in sub-Saharan Africa. Guess how it’s doing.
read more...Europe’s large welfare states are dragging the continent down.
read more...Hong Kong and Cuba were once economically very similar; now they are world’s apart. The explanation why is simple.
read more...Malaise is in the future.
read more...I’ve had ample reason to praise Hong Kong’s economic policy. Most recently, it was ranked (once again) as the world’s freest economy. And I’ve shown that this makes a difference by comparing Hong Kong’s economic performance to the comparatively lackluster (or weak) performance of economies in the United States, Argentina, and France. But perhaps the most encouraging thing about […]
read more...Divided government is good for America’s economy. Or, to be more specific, divided government is a net plus if the alternative is to have statists fully in charge of economic policy. I made this point back in 2012 when I pointed out that the unemployment rate started falling after Republicans captured the House of Representatives, and […]
read more...In addition to his side job as Director of Undergraduate Studies for the Economics Department at Harvard University, Jeff Miron is Director of Economic Studies at the Cato Institute. He’s also the narrator of this video from Learn Liberty that discusses three myths about capitalism. Unsurprisingly, I think Jeff is right on the mark. Here are some […]
read more...I want to challenge supporters of intervention and big government. Here are two simple questions. I’ll be happy if I can get a semi-reasonable answer to either of them. 1. Can you name a nation that became rich with statist policies? Before you say Sweden, or even France, note that I asked you to name a nation […]
read more...I very rarely feel sorry for statists. After all, these are the people who think that their feelings of envy and inadequacy justify bigger and more coercive government. And I get especially irked when I think about how their authoritarian policies will hurt the most vulnerablein society. But I nonetheless feel sorry for statists when I […]
read more...When major changes occur, especially if they’re bad, people generally will try to understand what happened so they can avoid similar bad events in the future. This is why, when we’re looking at major economic events, it’s critical to realize that narratives matter. For instance, generation after generation of American students were taught that the […]