Once capitalism was unleashed, living standards dramatically improved.
read more...That’s gotta hurt.
read more...The entire world moved in the direction of free markets during the last two decades of the 20th century
read more...Even supposedly socialist Denmark ranks above the United States?
read more...Hong Kong historically is a great place to climb out of poverty.
read more...The current crisis teaches us that excessive regulation and bureaucratic sloth can have deadly consequences. Here’s John Stossel’s video with another lesson, explaining that we need more capitalism rather than more government. This seems like a no-brainer, especially given the wretched economic performance of countries where the government owns or controls the means of production. But not everyone agrees. The appropriately named Paris Marx […]
read more...A silver lining to all the bad news.
read more...How Singapore broke through the middle-income trap.
read more...Markets generate higher income, better lives, and upward mobility.