A contrast of two nations.
read more...Handouts don’t work for nations any better than individuals.
read more...Another government agency exposed for mismanagement and waste.
read more...I rarely delve into foreign policy and defense issues. And when I do, such as my post about the conflict in Ukraine, it’s usually because it gives me an opportunity to draw attention to a topic that is in my bailiwick (in the case of Ukraine, it gave me an excuse to write about federalism). With this […]
read more...All I can say is that I’m thankful the United States is not part of the European Union, at least if this little tidbit from the UK-based Telegraph is true. American politicians waste a lot of money, but even I doubt they ever spent tax dollars on something that is simultaneously so idiotic and so […]
read more...Here’s one of those “not just no, but Hell No” issues. The United Nations has put together a group of global collectivists to concoct a plan of global taxes. These new levies, on things such as airfares and energy use, would be used to finance bribes (oops, I mean foreign aid) to lure developing nations […]
read more...Advocates of limited government generally focus on domestic spending, pork-barrel projects, and entitlement programs. This is target-rich territory, to be sure, and especially inviting because most of the relevant programs and department shouldn’t exist. But just because national defense is a legitimate function of the federal government, that doesn’t mean that national security outlays are […]
read more...The Coalition for Tax Competition today sent a letter urging Joshua B. Bolten, the Director of the White House’s Office of Management and Budget, to “strongly consider eliminating or at least dramatically reducing funding” to the Paris-based Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. In the letter sent to Director Bolten, representatives of more than 30 […]