This article appeared on The Hill‘s Congress Blog
read more...The government needs an exit plan for education.
read more...A new study documents the failure of major redistribution programs to reduce poverty.
read more...Can Republicans really be this stupid?
read more...Vermont’s abandonment of single-payer shows why federalism is such a good system.
read more...Michael Strain of the American Enterprise Institute looks at the topic of infrastructure spending and I’m left with mixed feelings. Some of what he writes is very good. Yes, the claims of an “infrastructure crisis” by President Obama, many liberals…are exaggerated. …yes, existing laws and regulations turn infrastructure projects into boondoggles that take an order of magnitude longer to complete […]
read more...I’m a big believer in federalism, both as a matter of policy and politics. So you won’t be surprised that I’ve called for the abolition of the Department of Transportation. On more than one occasion. But when you’re trying to convince politicians to give up power and money, it takes a lot repetition. So, to paraphrase what Ronald Reagan said to […]
read more...More than three years ago, I wrote that the Department of Transportation should be dismantled for the simple reason that we’ll get better roads at lower cost with the federalist approach of returning responsibility to state and local governments. I echoed those sentiments in this CNBC interview. Since there’s only an opportunity to exchange soundbites in these interviews, let […]
read more...I’ve been asked whether I’m a hypocrite because I support decentralization while at the same time being critical of state and local governments. I don’t think there’s any inconsistency in my position. Here’s some of what I wrote last July. I’m a strong believer in federalism, but not because I think state and local governments are competent. Politicians […]
read more...Ukraine is in the news and that’s not a good thing. I’m not a foreign policy expert, to be sure, but it can’t be a positive sign when nations with nuclear weapons start squabbling with each other. And that’s what’s happening now that Russia is supposedly occupying Crimea and perhaps other parts of Ukraine and […]