Our rights should not be reduced to give government more power
read more...The fight to abolish cash is another attempt to trade liberty for security.
read more...Politicians need less control over our money, not more.
read more...The Fed’s easy money policy is not a recipe for success.
read more...Politicians all over the world are exacerbating bad fiscal and regulatory policy with bad monetary policy.
read more...Can competitive currencies replace central banking?
read more...A London central banker was refreshingly candid about the dangers of easy money.
read more...Krugman’s wrong again, this time about the Gipper.
read more...Greetings from Obamaland! Actually, that’s wrong in two respects. First, I’m actually in France. And even though I’ve joked that Obama wants to make America like France, technical accuracy requires me to admit that my real location is Paris, where I participated earlier today in the latest stop on the Free Market Road Show. Second, I used the “Obamaland” joke when […]
read more...Like John Stossel and Thomas Sowell, I’m not a big fan of the Federal Reserve. It’s not just that I’m a libertarian who fantasizes about the denationalization of money. I also think the Fed hasn’t done a good job, even by its own metrics. There’s very little doubt, for instance, that easy-money policies last decade played a major role in creating the housing […]