According to Financial Times report the politicians in Paris and Berlin want to set up some sort of European Monetary Fund to help bail out Greece and other profligate European nations. This is good news in the short run for American taxpayers since it is less likely that American taxpayers will be financing bailouts through […]
read more...An incredible 93 percent of voters in Iceland voted against financing British and Dutch bank bailouts. The politicians in England and the Netherlands argued that they were bailing out local subsidiaries of an Icelandic bank, so Iceland’s taxpayers should pick up the tab, but those branches was operating under the rules of the European Economic […]
read more...This video explains how government interference is driving up healthcare costs in America, and warns that European style health “reform” will make the situation even worse.
read more...In a video released today by the Center for Freedom and Prosperity Foundation (CF&P), Eline van den Broek of the European Independent Institute warns that European-style healthcare is the wrong approach and that problems in the U.S. healthcare system are the result of too much government intervention already.