A bold new member of the Moocher Hall of Fame.
read more...International evidence provides the case for personal retirement accounts.
read more...Favor limited government? Then you should oppose any and all tax hikes.
read more...A new study documents the failure of major redistribution programs to reduce poverty.
read more...Key questions for the new year.
read more...It’s embarrassing that China is moving in the right direction while the U.S. is not.
read more...Medicare’s fiscal black hole, and why Jonathan Gruber got at least one thing right.
read more...I confess that I get a bit of perverse pleasure when a left-leaning media outlet screws up and inadvertently shares information that helps the cause of limited government. A New York Times columnist, for instance, pushed for a tax-hiking fiscal agreement back in 2011 based on a chart showing that the only successful budget deal was the one […]
read more...I’m very worried about the burden of government spending. Moreover, I’m quite concerned that poorly designed entitlement programs will lead to fiscal disaster. And I’m especially irked that Obama made the problem worse by ramming through yet another misguided and costly health care entitlement. Given this background, you can imagine that I was very interested (and depressed) to see […]
read more...Since I primarily work on fiscal policy, I normally look at the budgetary impact of entitlement programs. And the numbers are very grim. But I’m also an economist, so I periodically comment on how government intervention undermines the efficient functioning of markets in the healthcare field. Last but not least, I’m also a taxpayer, so I can’t resist occasionally […]