Corruption in yet another government program.
read more...Republicans are parading through Iowa promising special handouts for political support.
read more...The IRS is again crying poverty. Here’s why you shouldn’t believe them.
read more...Next President Obama wants to “go it alone” on tax hikes.
read more...If you’re not a lobbyist, cronyist, corporate fat cat, or other form of insider, the Ex-Im Bank is a lose-lose proposition.
read more...Big government is the cause of corruption. Reducing government is the only solution.
read more...Government has morphed into a racket designed to enrich the lobbyists, insiders, contractors, bureaucrats, and politicians.
read more...Bastiat accurately observed the government scam.
read more...The WSJ provides the sordid details of a bureaucratic injustice.
read more...Senator Warren pays lip service to anti-cronyism, but in the end always votes for more.