The good and the bad from the “Cromnibus” for advocates of limited government.
read more...It’s particularly upsetting when politicians and bureaucrats hurt ordinary people to line the pockets of the rich.
read more...Evidence of positive outcomes from banning earmarks.
read more...Two recent stories update the IRS abuse saga.
read more...Two cases demonstrate the bipartisan dangers of cronyism.
read more...Advocates for the Export-Import Bank are resorting to lies to justify the corrupt institution.
read more...I’ve been banging the drum for years about Washington being a racket for the benefit of politicians, cronyists, bureaucrats, contractors, lobbyists, interest groups, and other insiders. I’ve written about horrific examples of bloated spending that line the pockets of the well connected. I’ve shared disgusting examples of Democrat sleaze and Republican sleaze. I’ve exposed rampant corruption with insiders getting rich at our expense. I’ve […]
read more...Who is getting undeserved wealth thanks to influence peddling in Washington?
read more...The Export-Import Bank is noxiously corrupt example of crony capitalism. It never should have been created. But that’s something we could say about most government programs. So the real question is how to reverse the damage. If we reform a big program such as Medicare, you can’t end it overnight. You have to deal with the reality that […]
read more...I don’t like international bureaucracies because they generally push for policies that expand the burden of government and undermine economic growth. But I recognize that there are some good people who work at these institutions and I’m always willing to acknowledge when they publish good research. The IMF said that Greece had reached the tipping point where […]