Repeal of Obamacare will reduce the burden of spending and the burden of taxation.
read more...How close is America to pulling a Greece?
read more...The good news is that the plans follow Mitchell’s Golden Rule, but they could do much more.
read more...New research shows why the fight for dynamic scoring is so important.
read more...CBO uses shoddy analysis to prop up big government. Why are some conservatives arguing for the status quo?
read more...CBO and JCT wield tremendous power. They are also dependable allies of the left.
read more...I asked back in September whether all the bad news about Obamacare meant it was time to feel sorry for President Obama and other statists. Some people apparently didn’t realize I was being sarcastic, so I got some negative feedback. I’ve since learned to be more careful with my language, and subsequent columns about Obamacare developments have […]
read more...As a long-time advocate of tax reform, I’m not a fan of distortionary loopholes in the tax code. Ideally, we would junk the 74,000-page internal revenue code and replace it with a simple and fair flat tax – meaning one low rate, no double taxation, and no favoritism.* The right kind of tax reform would […]
read more...Many of us know that Obamacare will be very expensive and that supporters, aided and abetted by the Congressional Budget Office, deliberately low-balled the cost estimates. I’ve also cited my Cato colleague Chris Edwards, who has made a more comprehensive (and well-documented) claim that government officials systematically lie about the cost of new projects. Now […]
read more...I’ve criticized the Congressional Budget Office for generating biased and inaccurate numbers. These are the clowns, after all, who say deficit spending stimulates the economy in the short run but they also rely on a model which seemingly predicts 100 percent tax rates maximize growth in the long run. About the only nice thing that […]