Showing Trumpies the error of their ways.
read more...How does it stack up?
read more...Congress is structured with an incentive to spend.
read more...The media complains about a lack of “productivity” under divided government. I celebrate it.
read more...Let’s do a simple thought experiment and answer the following question: Do you think that additional laws from Washington will give you more freedom and more prosperity? I don’t know how you will answer, but I strongly suspect most Americans will say “no.” Indeed, they’ll probably augment their “no” answers with a few words that […]
read more...I have great sympathy for almost all segments of the population that have been disadvantaged by Obamacare. Among the victims are many relatively powerless people, including children, low-income workers, and retirees. It’s equally tragic that millions of families – notwithstanding the President’s oft-repeated promise – already have lost their insurance plans, and it’s a crisis […]
read more...I’ve written before about the sleazy and corrupting impact of earmarks. And I’ve debunked the lobbyist arguments in favor of earmarks. Heck, I’ve even done NPR interviews about this unseemly Washington practice. So I like to think I’m reasonably knowledgeable about the system. But even I’m shocked to learn how a former Massachusetts Congressman has […]
read more...If you want to know why Washington is a cesspool of corruption and graft, you should read this story from the Washington Post about how Capitol Hill staffers use their positions as stepping stones to jobs in the lobbying community. Nearly 5,400 former congressional staffers have left Capitol Hill to become federal lobbyists in the […]
read more...When existing spending authority expires on March 4, the “non-essential” parts of the federal government will shut down unless Republicans and Democrats reach an agreement. This is causing lots of agitation in Washington, both by Democrats who don’t want the money spigots in the off position and Republicans who fret that they will be blamed […]
read more...I saw a story linked on Instapundit, but it really belonged on The Onion. Apparently, our tax dollars are being used to fund grief counseling for congressional staffers who will lose their jobs in January because of the elections. Can you think of a better example than this of how Washington is screwed up? This […]