I’m not quite ready to trade places with Canada, but it may just be a matter of time. Like Germany and Sweden, they seem to be slowly but surely trying to move in the right direction. I’ve already commented on good Canadian fiscal policy (including a much-needed lesson for Paul Krugman), and I’ve also praised […]
read more...Demonstrating that he’s probably not a fan of Mitchell’s Golden Rule, Paul Krugman recently asserted that fiscal austerity has failed in the United Kingdom. Citing Keynesian theory and weak economics numbers, he warned about “the austerity doctrine that has dominated elite policy discussion” and says that the British government made a mistake when it decided […]
read more...Since I’ve written before about Canada’s remarkable period of fiscal restraint during the 1990s, I am very pleased to see that the establishment press is finally giving some attention to what our northern neighbors did to reduce the burden of government spending. Here are some key passages from a Reuters story. “Everyone wants to know […]
read more...The Congressional Budget Office has just released the update to its Economic and Budget Outlook. There are several things from this new report that probably deserve commentary, including a new estimate that unemployment will “remain above 8 percent until 2014.” This certainly doesn’t reflect well on the Obama White House, which claimed that flushing $800 […]
read more...In Canada Limited v. The Queen, Canadian Tax Court, following a policy of avoiding double taxation, just approved the use of certain tax avoidance arrangements between Canadian and U.S. businesses. The technique involved claiming Foreign Tax Credits (FTC’s) from the U.S. by creating partnerships between U.S. and Canadian citizens. As tax law expert Jerald David […]
read more...Bill Cosby, actor and comedian, cited the comparatively high taxes in Canada as to why he has no tour dates there anytime soon. Asked by a fan on his Twitter account why he isn’t coming to our neighbor to the North, he replied: It is a commonly held belief that famous performers do not take […]
read more...A new video released today by the Center for Freedom and Prosperity Foundation (CF&P) examines how foreign countries have successfully solved fiscal problems by restraining the growth of government spending. Entitled, “Spending Restraint, Part II: Lessons from Canada, Ireland, Slovakia, and New Zealand,” the mini-documentary is a follow-up to CF&P’s last video, which demonstrated how Ronald Reagan and Bill Clinton successfully curtailed the burden of government.
read more...America faces a fiscal crisis. The burden of federal spending has doubled during the Bush-Obama years, a $2 trillion increase in just 10 years. But that’s just the tip of the proverbial iceberg. Because of demographic changes and poorly designed entitlement programs, the federal budget is going to consume larger and larger shares of America’s […]
read more...Nations can make remarkable fiscal progress if policy makers simply limit the growth of government spending. This video, which is Part II of a series, uses examples from recent history in Canada, Ireland, Slovakia, and New Zealand to demonstrate how it is possible to achieve rapid improvements in fiscal policy by restraining the burden of government spending. Part I of the series examined how Ronald Reagan and Bill Clinton were successful in controlling government outlays — particularly the burden of domestic spending programs.
read more...This arrived in my inbox today. A quick search on the Internet reveals it is not a real article from a Canadian paper. But it is somewhat amusing, so enjoy. “Build a Damn Fence!” From The Manitoba Herald , Canada ; by Clive Runnels, December 1st 2010 The flood of American liberals sneaking across the […]