Living large at taxpayer expense.
read more...This bureaucrat puts other freeloading slackers to shame.
read more...It’s embarrassing that China is moving in the right direction while the U.S. is not.
read more...The IRS budget has doubled in 30 years. Don’t listen to their whining about tiny cuts now.
read more...Stories from both ends of America illustrate the failures of government schools.
read more...I’ve been banging the drum for years about Washington being a racket for the benefit of politicians, cronyists, bureaucrats, contractors, lobbyists, interest groups, and other insiders. I’ve written about horrific examples of bloated spending that line the pockets of the well connected. I’ve shared disgusting examples of Democrat sleaze and Republican sleaze. I’ve exposed rampant corruption with insiders getting rich at our expense. I’ve […]
read more...In April of 2013, I introduced a Moocher Hall of Fame to “celebrate” some very odious examples of welfare dependency. Since that time, I keep thinking that it’s time to do something similar for government bureaucrats. This compilation from last December would be a good place to start, though I’d have to figure out whether to have group memberships so […]
read more...I’ve shared horror stories about government thuggery and I’ve shared horror stories about government stupidity. Thanks to Mark Steyn, we have a story that exemplifies both the brain-dead nature of the public sector and the nasty nature of our bureaucratic overlords. You may have read about the federal milk police. Well, here’s some of what Mark wrote about the Kafkaesque legal […]
read more...Which nation has the most costly bureaucracy? Well, if the answer is based solely on how much it costs to employ bureaucrats, you can see from this chart that Denmark comes in first place. As an American taxpayer, I’m glad to learn that there are other nations that squander more money on civil servants. But I get […]
read more...We’re going to touch on two topics today. I realize that not that many readers care about Greek economic policy, but sometimes other nations can teach us very important lessons. For better orworse. And in the case of Greece, the lesson is that government intervention and bureaucracy is an enemy of entrepreneurship. Probably the most amazing – […]