Many American states have made unaffordable and unfunded promises to give lavish benefits to retired bureaucrats.
read more...The burden of government is expanding faster than the private economy.
read more...It’s always remarkable when politicians are willing to tie their hands.
read more...Brazil takes the first steps toward market-based reforms.
read more...Excessive government has gotten Brazil in big, big trouble.
read more...Brazil’s citizens may soon get the right to keep and bear arms.
read more...Back in 2010, I shared some wise words from Walter Williams and Theodore Dalrymple about how society can become unstable when people figure they can “vote themselves money.” On a related note, I shared the famous “riding in the wagon” cartoons in 2011 and the “Danish party boat” image in 2014. Both of these posts highlighted the danger that […]
read more...One of the many great things about America’s Founding Fathers is that the Declaration of Independence refers to “unalienable rights” including “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.” But there’s not even a suggestion that it is the job of government to provide happiness. Brazil’s politicians have a different view of such matters. They’re considering […]