Our fiscal policy goal should be smaller government, but here’s a video for folks who think that balancing the budget should be the main objective. The main message is that restraining the growth of government is the right way to get rid of red ink, so there is no conflict between advocates of limited government and […]
read more...The Center for Freedom and Prosperity (CF&P) has released a new video listing the key reasons why excessive government spending undermines economic performance. Entitled “Eight Reasons Why Big Government Hurts Economic Growth,” the video uses macroeconomic and microeconomic analysis to explain why the Bush-Obama policies of bigger government hinder the economy’s long-run vitality.
read more...Washington is riddled with corruption, much of which actually is legal. The politicians and other insiders claim that more ethics laws and lobbying rules are the solution. Some even say the only answer is campaign finance laws that restrict 1st Amendment rights to fully participate in the political process. This Center for Freedom and Prosperity video explores a different hypothesis and concludes that big government is inherently corrupting.
read more...Based on a theory known as Keynesianism, politicians are resuscitating the notion that more government spending can “stimulate” an economy. This mini-documentary produced by the Center for Freedom and Prosperity Foundation examines both theory and evidence and finds that allowing politicians to spend more money is not a recipe for better economic performance.