A rare victory against cronyism and big government.
read more...If you’re not a lobbyist, cronyist, corporate fat cat, or other form of insider, the Ex-Im Bank is a lose-lose proposition.
read more...Senator Warren pays lip service to anti-cronyism, but in the end always votes for more.
read more...It’s particularly upsetting when politicians and bureaucrats hurt ordinary people to line the pockets of the rich.
read more...Two cases demonstrate the bipartisan dangers of cronyism.
read more...Advocates for the Export-Import Bank are resorting to lies to justify the corrupt institution.
read more...I periodically try to explain that there’s a big difference between being pro-market and pro-business. Simply stated, policy makers shouldn’t try to penalize businesses with taxes,mandates, and regulations. But neither should politicians seek to subsidize businesses. That’s why I’m against bailouts, subsidies, and other distortions that provide special favors for politically connected companies. I have nothing against companies earning money, to be sure, but […]
read more...The Export-Import Bank is noxiously corrupt example of crony capitalism. It never should have been created. But that’s something we could say about most government programs. So the real question is how to reverse the damage. If we reform a big program such as Medicare, you can’t end it overnight. You have to deal with the reality that […]
read more...Remember Sandra Fluke, the 30-year old student who got her 15 minutes of fame last year by becoming the poster child for subsidized birth control? She’s fortunately faded away, but the issue is still with us because the courts are being asked to decide whether government has the right to coerce people into decisions that […]
read more...I’m a big fan of lower corporate tax rates. I also want to eliminate worldwide taxation so American companies can be on a level playing field when competing for market share around the world. And I want to get rid of the double taxation of dividends and capital gains in part because these reforms will […]