North Carolina has gone from one of the worst to one of the best states on fiscal policy. But not everyone is happy about what’s happened in the Tarheel State.
read more...A new law gives Utah families freedom to choose the best educational option for students.
read more...How to fix the tax treatment of household savings.
read more...Federal tax revenues have skyrocketed. When will enough be enough?
read more...Union bosses at the National Education Association have bitterly complained that their under-performing monopoly is being threatened as parents get more options via school choice.
read more...California politicians say that they are trying to punish the rich, but lower-income and middle-class people are suffering a lot of collateral damage.
read more...Figuring out what is a tax expenditure, or loophole, requires settling competing views over what constitutes a neutral tax system.
read more...There’s plenty of money to pay interest on the debt. There would only be a default if Joe Biden or Janet Yellen (the Treasury Secretary) deliberately chose not to prioritize.
read more...Opposing any and all entitlement reform will guarantee eventual tax increases.