I know I promised extra political humor this week, but here’s some extra policy pain. Not only does government-run healthcare mean more spending, more regulation,and more taxes, but it also means more power for the internal revenue service. A new report reveals that the legislation makes the IRS the chief enforcer of the new scheme: […]
read more...An insightful editorial from the Wall Street Journal examines how soak-the-rich taxes in Maryland backfired, leading to less revenue for the government. The politicians would like us to think this is just the effect of the recession, but the article points out that one out of every eight millionaires who filed a tax return in […]
read more...As usual, Sowell is right on the mark. By expanding the size and burden of government, Obama is making it more difficult for the economy to prosper: President Obama keeps telling us that he is “creating jobs.” But more and more Americans have no jobs. The unemployment rate has declined slightly, but only because many […]
read more...Here’s an excellent idea for all American readers. One of the guys who posts on National Review Online is urging everyone to identify themselves as “some other race” on the census form. And writing “American” next to that box would be an added bonus. The goal, he explains, is to undermine the government’s racial bean-counting […]
read more...Do my eyes deceive me? Has you-know-what frozen over? Something strange clearly has happened in the universe, because the Washington Post’s editorial page has published a very sensible piece about the Postal Service, noting the system is fundamentally unsound and stating that privatization is the only realistic long-term option: Approaching the limits of its federal […]
read more...This is a two-for-one blog post. Not only do we get more sordid details about overpaid bureaucrats scamming the pay rules, but we also find out that this latest taxpayer ripoff was financed with so-called stimulus funds: Highly touted Bay State job creation programs have stimulated a pile of pocket-padding overtime for state workers and […]
read more...Here’s a good big-picture analysis from the Weekly Standard blog: http://weeklystandard.com/articles/do-mention-war. Here’s a story about riots and social chaos: http://m.cnbc.com/us_news/35810290. And here’s a story comparing Greece and New York: http://www.nypost.com/p/news/opinion/opedcolumnists/it_all_greek_to_ny_2ML0dIswG4rKRcNjUD0T1L The common theme is that reckless overspending is the cause of Greece’s fiscal crisis, yet American politicians are refusing to learn the right lesson.
read more...When politicians talk about the human cost of global warming, we now know what they mean. According to the Daily Mail, an Argentinian couple killed themselves, one of their kids, and wounded another supposedly because of fears of climate change. Notwithstanding the title of this post, I don’t think Al Gore should be held responsible […]
read more...Washington is buzzing with news that the Congressional Budget Office has a new cost estimate for the President’s proposal to further expand the federal government’s control over the healthcare system. The White House is doubtlessly pleased because the takeaway message, as blindly regurgitated by the Associated Press, is that a giant new entitlement program is […]