Our latest Econ 101 video is a must watch. If you haven’t seen it yet, Orphe Divounguy succinctly explains the role of minimum wage laws in creating unemployment in this video titled, “The Job-Killing Impact of Minimum Wage Laws:” Minimum wage laws seem like a good idea, but arbitrarily mandating a certain wage can have […]
read more...Big Government bailouts haven’t just been directed toward businesses and Wall Street, they’ve also been deployed to prop up Big Governments. Having taken “stimulus” money while fully aware that it was a one-time windfall, politicians in many state capitals went ahead and spent as if it was a dedicated revenue stream, according to the State […]
read more...Britain’s Conservative MP Daniel Hannan, made famous in America for the viral YouTube video of his fiscal takedown of Gordon Brown, recently wrote of his regret for supporting Barack Obama in the general election of the 2008 presidential campaign. A European politician’s opinion of America’s president really isn’t of any importance, but his chillingly accurate […]
read more...President Obama used his first televised speech from the Oval Office, ostensibly on the topic of the BP oil spill, to run through his usual speech-making checklist, which includes blaming Bush and beating up on idealogical straw-men, like his long ago debunked contention that there was significant “deregulation” during the previous decade. He also continued […]
read more...Budget wonks have long battled over the use of “static” versus “dynamic” budget scoring by agencies like the Congressional Budget Office or the Joint Committee on Taxation. While these organizations do often consider how changes in policies affect “micro-economic” behavior, such as the likely increase in tax evasion under higher tax rates, they take a […]