In hopes of convincing people to be libertarian, most of my columns are based on data.
I’ve noticed, however, that evidence is only persuasive if readers trust that numbers are being presented honestly. This is a challenge because everyone seems to think that the other side is guilty of “cherry picking,” which is what happens when someone shares data that is accurate but misleading.
For example, I wrote back in 2012 about the assertion that the creation of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) led to a decline in workplace deaths.
If you just look at data since OSHA was created, it seems like proponents of more regulation are correct and the answer is yes. But if you also look at data for several decades before OSHA’s creation, the logical inference is that OSHA had no effect.
Today, let’s look at another example of cherry picking.
I’ll start the discussion by sharing a chart about the IRS budget I prepared back in 2019.

By sharing about 40 years of data about the Service’s inflation-adjusted budget, I allow readers to see both long-run trends (more money for the IRS) and short-run fluctuations.
One of the short-run fluctuations is that the IRS budget was dramatically increased about 15 years ago. Afterwards, the budget declined from that peak (if I updated the chart, you would see the budget going back up because of Biden’s plan to super-size the IRS).
Seeing those decades of data, people can have honest and fact-based arguments about the proper size of the IRS.
However, not everyone is interested in an honest debate. The left-leaning Tax Policy Center (TPC) released a report last week making the case for more IRS spending.
The TPC argument revolved around this chart, which (very conveniently) picks 2010 as the starting year.

Needless to say, this is a grotesque example of cherry picking. If the chart started in some other year, say 2008 or 2012, the lines would look much different and the entire TPC argument would evaporate.
I’ll conclude by observing that this column is not about the proper size of the IRS budget. Instead, I’m simply pointing out that it is preferable to have honest arguments. Which is why I’m a big fan of using decades and decades of data (indeed, that’s the only approach I use when picking members for the anti-convergence club).
P.S. For those interested in my views on the proper size of the IRS budget, I want dramatic reform like the flat tax. If that happened, the IRS could be radically downsized.
P.P.S. I don’t like cherry picking, but at least that’s better than outright lying to promote a bigger IRS.