Andrew F. Quinlan, R.I.P.
We are saddened to report that CF&P’s co-founder and long-time President, Andrew Quinlan, passed away early Monday morning at age 60.

A native of Vermont, Andy was Senior Economic Analyst for the Republican National Committee, before working as a top staff member for New Jersey Congressman Jim Saxton, including as senior advisor to the Joint Economic Committee. Upon seeing how high-tax governments and international bureaucracies began scheming to change the rules to hinder tax competition, he helped form CF&P in 2000 to fight on behalf of taxpayers, and was a key contributor to many early victories in what has become a prolonged battle to preserve fiscal sovereignty.
Andy was passionate about CF&P’s work to spread economic liberty, which he saw as essential to human flourishing. A gregarious presence wherever he went, he had friends across the globe acquired during his travels as a messenger of liberty, and to whom he was loyal and generous. He spent much of his time in recent years in Colombia, where he organized charities for children without fathers, Venezuelan refugees, and needy families.
Ever the champion of liberty, Andy was troubled by Colombia’s recent turn toward statism and wanted to help liberty-minded Colombians build an effective and organized response. While unable to see that effort through, he would be proud to know that CF&P will continue on the global mission that he made his life’s work.