Center for Freedom and Prosperity
For Immediate Release
Contact: Brian Garst
The Center for Freedom and Prosperity Announces
Creation of “Stop Biased Banking”
New initiative will fight back against liberal elites targeting financial institutions that don’t align with their left-wing agenda.
(Washington, D.C., Thursday, September 12, 2019) Today, the Center for Freedom and Prosperity announces the creation of their new initiative – “Stop Biased Banking,” a branded advocacy platform to organize grassroots opposition to the left-wing activism that is creeping into America’s financial services sector.
The project, hosted at, will serve as a watchdog for left-wing pressure groups that seek to advance their political agendas by forcing banks to sever ties with legal industries that liberal activists deem unsavory.
“The growing pressure on banks to sever their relationships with lawful companies is in direct conflict with free market capitalism,” said Center for Freedom and Prosperity President Andrew F. Quinlan. “These activist campaigns seek to starve legitimate industries of their access to the financial system, threatening the principles of consumer choice and competition that underpin our capitalist system. The biased banking movement must end.”
In 2012, the Obama administration launched Operation Choke Point which aimed to encourage banks to avoid relationships with a broad list of “high risk” industries such as short-term lenders and gun manufacturers. Though this orchestrated abuse of power has since been ended for good by the Trump administration, the push to separate lawful industries from access to financial services is only intensifying.
In recent years, liberal elitists have gradually intensified their pressure on financial institutions for their relationships with the NRA, for financing the oil and gas infrastructure, and for working with companies operating private detention facilities. This pressure has expanded beyond vocal social media accounts and is now a committed effort of some politicians like Rep. Carolyn Maloney and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.
This represents a gross abuse of power with implications far beyond the nation’s gun control and private prison debates. It gets to the question of whether America is governed by the rule of law or if one group of like-minded individuals can decide industry winners and losers. Our nation’s economic success and way of life is dependent on the answer.
To learn more about this initiative, visit the Stop Biased Banking website.
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Facebook – Stop Biased Banking
About the Center for Freedom and Prosperity
The Center for Freedom and Prosperity (CF&P) is a non-profit organization created in October of 2000 to advance market liberalization. The CF&P Foundation and CF&P seek to promote economic prosperity by advocating competitive markets and limited government. The organization accomplishes its goals by educating the American people and its elected representatives.
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