Merry Christmas, even for my left-leaning friends and politically correct friends.
The good news is that – contrary to reports – Santa Claus did not get arrested last night.
And that’s good news because he does many things each year that could land him in prison.
In a column for FEE, David Rosenthal addresses the same topic of overcriminalization.
While most people know Jolly Old Saint Nick as a friendly figure, he too is not immune from the perils of administrative overreach and overcriminalization. …here is a list of some of the potential crimes and violations of federal law… Under the Reindeer Act, signed into law by President Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1937, only Alaska Natives are allowed to own reindeer in Alaska.
…Even if Santa gets around the Reindeer Act, he may face civil and criminal penalties under the Lacey Act if his purchase, sale, possession, or use of reindeer—or any other flora or fauna— violates any state or federal law or the law of any foreign nation, no matter what language or code that foreign law is written in. …Despite Santa’s many years of experience, there is no Mr. Claus listed in the Federal Aviation Administration’s pilot certificates database. If Santa is piloting his sleigh without an airman’s certificate, he is in violation of 49 U.S.C. § 46317. …Any white lie that falls within the jurisdiction of the U.S. government could be a federal crime. …A government agent need only ask Santa if he committed burglary, trespass, or larceny, or ask him, “Are you really Santa Claus?” In that case, Santa really would need a Miracle on 34th Street to stay out of the slammer for lying. …Under IRS gift tax rules, the giver of gifts above a certain threshold is taxed at a rate up to 40 percent of the value of the gift. …Willful failure to file a gift tax return can land Santa in prison for up to one year under 26 U.S.C. § 7203.
Regarding whether Santa Claus is real, there is a downside to people being too gullible.
In the past, I’ve looked at the debate over whether Santa Claus is right wing or left wing, as well as the debate over whether Jesus is libertarian or socialist.
Here’s an amusing 2×2 matrix that builds on those themes.
Whoever created this put Jesus in the anti-capitalism camp, which irks me, but it’s still clever (just like this pro-socialism Christmas humor).
If you liked this adoption video, I imagine you’ll like these Christmas songs.
Speaking of songs, here are some economic-themed Christmas carols.
And if you like videos, Remy has two of them (here and here) showing how the TSA hurts the Christmas spirit.
Needless to say, I also have to share these libertarian-themed Christmas videos.