Corporate Tax Reform Must Protect U.S. Companies From Foreign Politicians
CF&P President Andrew Quinlan has a simple message for Congress: Protect U.S. Multinationals from greedy foreign tax collectors! Any attempt at corporate tax reform will prove a half measure at best, he argues, if the OECD’s BEPS initiative is allowed to proceed. http://freedomandprosperity.org/2016/opinion-and-commentary/corporate-tax-reform-must-protect-u-s-companies-from-foreign-politicians/
CF&P Scholars Argue Importance of BEPS, International Tax Reform for Hearing Record
To press the importance of addressing BEPS in Congress, CF&P scholars submitted testimony to a recent hearing to help members understand that BEPS represents not a mere tweaking of arcane tax rules, but a substantial threat to American competitiveness, as well as to emphasis how corporate inversions are just a symptom of the overall disease that is an uncompetitive tax code.
CIT Reform, BEPS Top Concerns for US Tax Directors
Tax directors confirm that BEPS is a serious concern: “Nearly half (48 percent) of respondents said international tax planning, including BEPS, is their biggest tax issue for 2016.” http://www.tax-news.com/…BEPS_Top_Concerns_For_US_Tax_Directors____70677.html
OECD Again Violates Sovereignty of Panama
This Spanish language article shows how low tax jurisdictions are still being targeted by OECD bureaucrats. http://impresa.prensa.com/opinion/OCDE-Adolfo-Enrique-Linares-Franco_0_4435806409.html
Free Market News…
Puerto Rico Needs Structural Reform, Not a Bailout
Politicians should not be rewarded for fiscal irresponsibility. With Congress pledging to address the island territory’s budget crisis by the end of the month, they need to focus on the disease and not just the symptoms. http://freedomandprosperity.org/2016/opinion-and-commentary/puerto-rico-needs-structural-reform-not-a-bailout/
Puerto Rico Needs Both Fiscal Austerity And Pro-Growth Tax Cuts
Tax expert Ryan Ellis goes into more detail on how to resolve Puerto Rico’s fiscal crisis in a manner that is consistent with free market principles. http://www.forbes.com/sites/ryanellis/2016/03/15/puerto-rico-needs-both-fiscal-austerity-and-pro-growth-tax-cuts/#1621e05d2163
Billionaire’s Fight Against Herbalife Would Work As Big Short Sequel
The Big Short won an Oscar. A hedge fund titan’s public short and subsequent crony war on another company would make for an appropriate second act. http://freedomandprosperity.org/2016/opinion-and-commentary/billionaires-fight-against-herbalife-would-work-as-big-short-sequel/
Hold Your Wallet – Music Publishers Squeeze Government for Higher Fees
A Department of Justice review of consent decrees governing the music industry’s historically anti-competitive publishing rights organizations is expected to end soon. Will the agency side with consumers or special interests? http://freedomandprosperity.org/2016/opinion-and-commentary/hold-your-wallet-music-publishers-squeeze-government-for-higher-fees/
From the Market Center Blog…
Dodd-Frank: A Wall Street-Supported Law Imposing Heavy Costs, Enabling Future Bailouts
Dan Mitchell explains why Dodd-Frank did not end too big too fail. http://freedomandprosperity.org/2016/blog/big-government/dodd-frank-a-wall-street-supported-law-imposing-heavy-costs-enabling-future-bailouts/
Unless the Goal is Lower Living Standards, Bernie Sanders Has Learned the Wrong Lesson from Europe
On the campaign trail, Bernie Sanders like to point to big government nations in Europe as a role model for the U.S. But it’s clear he’s not really paying attention to what those countries are doing. http://freedomandprosperity.org/2016/blog/big-government/unless-the-goal-is-lower-living-standards-bernie-sanders-has-learned-the-wrong-lesson-from-europe/
A Primer on Growth, Politics, and Taxation
Rebutting claims that supply-side tax policy is no longer important or desirable. http://freedomandprosperity.org/2016/blog/a-primer-on-growth-politics-and-taxation/